Hare & Hounds by BubbaJoe app for iPhone and iPad
The classic Hare & Hounds strategy board game dating from the 1300s. Play against the computer or pass-and-play with a friend.
Alternate names:
In France: The Soldiers Game, French Military Game
In Denmark: Haretavl
In Sweden: Valpleken, Volpalejden, Hare och hund, Trevolpa
Other names it has been called or published under:
1 Contra 4
Catch the Alien
Game of Dwarfs
Jeu militaire
Pumpkin Hunter
Rodent Roundup
The Devil Among Tailors
How To Play
The hounds attempt to trap the hare without letting it sneak past them.
The hounds must trap the hare within 30 moves or they lose.
The first move is by the hare. They start by placing their piece anywhere on the board. After that, it can move a single space in any direction along the lines.
The hounds may only move forward or sideways.
The game is over when the hare makes it past the hounds, if the hounds succesfully trap the hare, or after 30 moves.
If the hounds play perfectly, they should always win. But its harder than youd think.